NationalCancerInstitute National Cancer Institute
Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Cancer Virology Membership Membership: Full membership, which includes a research listing on the CEHCV website, is open to all NCI investigators, senior scientists, and senior clinicians with active research programs in HIV/AIDS and cancer virology. To join the CEHCV, email David Derse or Genoveffa Franchini.

Steering Committee: David Derse, Ph.D. HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI-Frederick , Chairperson
Genoveffa Franchini, M.D. Vaccine Branch, NCI-Bethesda , Chairperson
Larry Arthur, Ph.D. AIDS Vaccine Program, NCI-Frederick
Jay Berzofsky, M.D., Ph.D. Vaccine Branch, NCI-Bethesda
Robert Blumenthal, Ph.D. Membrane Structure and Function Section
Mary Carrington, Ph.D. Laboratory of Genome Diversity, NCI-Frederick
Stephen Hughes, Ph.D. HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI-Frederick
Stuart Le Grice, Ph.D. HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI-Frederick
Jeffrey Lifson, M.D. AIDS Vaccine Program, NCI-Frederick
Douglas Lowy, M.D. Laboratory of Cellular Oncology, NCI-Bethesda
James McMahon, Ph.D. Molecular Targets Discovery Program, NCI-Frederick
Stephen O’Brien, Ph.D. Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, NCI-Frederick
Claes Ohlen, Ph.D. AIDS Vaccine Program, NCI-Frederick
George Pavlakis, M.D., Ph.D. Vaccine Branch, NCI-Bethesda
Marjorie Robert-Guroff, Ph.D. AIDS Vaccine Branch, NCI-Bethesda
Xin Wang, Ph.D. Structural Biophysics Laboratory, NCI-Frederick
Denise Whitby, Ph.D. AIDS Vaccine Program, NCI-Frederick
Alexander Wlodawer, Ph.D. Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory, NCI-Frederick
Robert Yarchoan, M.D. HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch, NCI-Bethesda
Staff Scientists/Website Maintenance: John Beutler, Ph.D. Molecular Targets Discovery Program, NCI-Frederick
David Davis, Ph.D. HIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch, NCI-Bethesda
Frank Maldarelli, M.D. HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI-Frederick
Christophe Marchand, Ph.D. Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology
Jason Rausch, Ph.D. HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI-Frederick
Members: Sankar Adhya, Ph.D.
Igor Belyakov, M.D.
Michelle Bennett, Ph.D. Office of the Director, CCR,NCI
John Brady, Ph.D.
Joan Cmarik, Ph.D.
John Coffin, Ph.D.
Michael Dean, Ph.D.
Dimiter Dimitrov, Ph.D. CCR Nanobiology Program, NCI-Frederick
James Doroshow, M.D.
Barbara Felber, Ph.D.
Eric Freed, Ph.D.
David Garfinkel, Ph.D.
James Goedert, M.D.
Robert Gorelick, Ph.D.
Dean Hamer, Ph.D.
Laura Hooper, Ph.D. Office of the Director, CCR,NCI
Wei-Shau Hu, Ph.D.
Mary Kearney, Ph.D. HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI-Frederick
Vineet KewalRamani, Ph.D.
Samir Khleif, M.D.
Hiroaki Mitsuya, M.D.
Sarah Palmer, Ph.D.
Vinay Pathak, Ph.D.
Lois Jean Patterson, Ph.D.
Yves Pommier, M.D.
Alan Rein, Ph.D.
Francis Ruscetti, Ph.D.
Sandra Ruscetti, Ph.D.
John Schiller, Ph.D.
Wei Shao, Ph.D. HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI-Frederick
Gene Shearer, Ph.D.
Jeffrey Strathern, Ph.D.
Sriram Subramaniam, Ph.D.
Masaki Terabe, Ph.D.
Lauren Wood, M.D.
Zhi-Ming Zheng, M.D.
Andrei Zolotukhin, Ph.D.