
  • An ongoing contracted study to develop a database of MRI and correlated clinical/behavioral data from ~ 500 healthy, typically developing children, ages newborn to late adolescence/early adulthood.  Imaging modalities include structural MRI, spectroscopy and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).
  • Will enable the study of normal brain development, provide a control database for studies of childhood psychiatric, developmental and neurological disorders, and may lead to new imaging tools.  Blueprint funds expanded the DTI portion of the project.
  • For more information, see the news release NIH Study Tracks Brain Development in Some 500 Children across U.S., or the study's public outreach site.
  • A web-based bank of software and other tools used for neuroimaging.
  • Users can add tools to the site, and rate tools already on the site, which is currently in beta testing.

Cell Centered Database
  • A bank of imaging data and tools focused on the morphology of neurons and the distribution of proteins within them.