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Volume 37(4);  April 1951
Galactic and Extragalactic Studies: XXI. Distribution of 95,000 Galaxies in the North Galactic Cap
Harlow Shapley
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 191–196.
PMCID: PMC1063334
Curve of Growth Polarization
James W. Warwick
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 196–202.
PMCID: PMC1063335
Hormonal Influence on Nuclear Synthesis: I. Estrogen and Uterine Gland Nuclei
Max Alfert and Howard A. Bern
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 202–205.
PMCID: PMC1063336
The Structure of Proteins: Two Hydrogen-Bonded Helical Configurations of the Polypeptide Chain
Linus Pauling, Robert B. Corey, and H. R. Branson
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 205–211.
PMCID: PMC1063337
Concerning Non-Continuable, Transcendentally Transcendental Power Series
F. Bagemihl
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 211–213.
PMCID: PMC1063338
Simple Waves in the Complete General Problem of Plasticity Theory
Hilda Geiringer
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 214–220.
PMCID: PMC1063339
Continuous Games
Samuel Karlin
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 220–223.
PMCID: PMC1063340
Theory of Turns and Slides Upon a Surface
Edward Kasner and John De Cicco
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 224–225.
PMCID: PMC1063341
Probabilistic Geometry
Karl Menger
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 226–229.
PMCID: PMC1063342
Numerical Results for Pressure-Velocity Correlations in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence
D. Nelson Limber
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 230–233.
PMCID: PMC1063343
On the Origin of the Solar System
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 April; 37(4): 233.
PMCID: PMC1063344
Corrects: Gerard P. Kuiper. On the Origin of the Solar System. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1951 January; 37(1): 1–14.
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