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BBID-Biological Biochemical Image Database
The Biological Biochemical Image Database is a searchable database of images of putative biological pathways, macromolecular structures, gene families, and cellular relationships. It is of use to those who are working with large sets of genes or proteins using cDNA arrays, functional genomics, or proteomics.
Enter multiple keywords such as: gene names (NFkB, IL2, CTLA4, etc.),
pathways (cell cycle, apoptosis, etc.)
cell/tissue type (heart, liver, T-cell, brain, etc.)
disease names (multiple sclerosis, asthma, etc.)
biological level (organ, intracellular, cell membrane,
cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, endosome,
transcription, structural)
Separate words by a space.
To get a complete list of
images do a blank search.
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Updated: Thursday October 11, 2007