info for affiliates

Not a primary publisher but interested in using CrossRef to lookup DOIs for persistent linking to full text? Through CrossRef, affiliates can create links to all CrossRef member publishers without signing bi-lateral linking agreements and without having to track publishers' individual linking schemes.

If you are a database publisher, subscription agent, software vendor, or journal hosting/linking platform, here are the steps you should to take to become a CrossRef Affiliate:

CrossRef offers secondary publishers and other affiliates the opportunity to identify, acquire, and capture DOIs for records that don’t currently contain DOIs as provided directly by the primary publisher. Without CrossRef, this identification and capturing process for thousands of records would be expensive and arduous to implement.

CrossRef makes available a DOI directory and metadata for journal articles that enable the look-up of DOIs specifically to create links to full-text articles on the web sites of primary publishers. This benefits your customers by allowing them to link to the full-text content of some primary publishers who won’t authorize any other type of linking relationship. Please take a tour of the CrossRef system or visit our gallery of linked publisher websites. Our "fast facts" area provides answers to frequently asked questions. You may also be interested in the relationship between the DOI and the OpenURL.

Joining CrossRef offers affiliates significant advantages:

  • Enhance the utility of your indexes by linking directly to full-text
  • Offer CrossRef implementation as part of your hosting services
  • Expand publication coverage without increased cost
  • Provide seamless integration of secondary, abstracted, or aggregated materials with primary literature
  • Gain efficiencies of centralized linking agreements

Types of Affiliates

CrossRef now offers a variety of affiliate options, tailored to meet the needs of different service types:

  • Our standard affiliate agreement will be appropriate for most organizations looking to add DOIs and CrossRef metadata to their own records, to link out to the full-text at member publisher sites. This agreement provides the affiliate with a query account on our system.
  • For organizations seeking a feed of CrossRef data and DOIs, there are two options. One is local hosting, as described under "Advanced concepts  > Hosting CrossRef data locally" in the CrossRef Help area. The other is CrossRef Metadata Services.
  • For organizations that provide local linking solutions to library customers, they can become Linking Solutions Partners. Their library clients join CrossRef, at no charge (see, to allow them to use the Linking Solutions Partner's services, in a process described under "Using a local link resolver" in the CrossRef Help area.
  • For organizations who wish to integrate CrossRef DOI look-up services into their reference or content management products to enable users to perform one-at-a-time queries for CrossRef DOIs and metadata, we now offer a free affiliate partnership.

A word about "agents"

CrossRef agents are journal hosting and/or linking platforms that support publishers' electronic content and interface with CrossRef on behalf of one or more publishers. Agents must sign an addendum to the standard affiliate agreement that covers their additional responsibilities to CrossRef. In essense, agents serve as the CrossRef technical contact for their publisher clients. They must therefore be familiar with both the deposit and query processes, as explained on the "How to Get Started" page.

CrossRef also offers a "sponsoring agent" agreement to those third-party hosting platforms that function as true online journal collections, and can agree to deposit all the content available in their collections and to administer CrossRef obligations and fees on behalf of all their participating publishers.

Don't publish online in the dark...just DOI it!

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