National Institutes of Health

National Institutes of Health Ethics Program

  Ethics National Institutes of Health
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Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278) Forms

Individuals in certain pay plans or positions are required by the Ethics in Government Act (EIGA), as amended, to file a Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278) within 30 days of entering the covered position, annually thereafter, and within 30 days of terminating from a covered position.  There are some exceptions, and occasions when one report fulfills both requirements.  Individuals required to file this report include those in SES; ST or SL paid above a specified salary level; Commissioned Officers at or above the O-7 rank; the four NIH level Deputy Directors (NIH DD, DDM, DDER, DDIR); all IC Directors; Deputy Directors; Clinical Directors; Scientific Directors; and others as set forth in the EIGA.  Your Deputy Ethics Counselor or Ethics Coordinator will provide instructions for accessing and completing the forms to the appropriate individuals when reports are required.

NIH employees are required to use the NIH Enterprise Ethics System (NEES) to enter their financial data for their Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278). You may begin to work on your next report before the notice is sent.

New Employees: All individuals new to a public filer position must submit their SF-278 for clearance prior to entering on duty into the position. See the NIH Pre-Clearance policy and procedures. Links to the paper copy of the form are below.

Frequently Asked Questions about filing a Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278) (OGE website)

Instructions for Completing the Public Financial Disclosure Report (pdf format) This document provides all the details in writing for completing each of the sections. It may be useful to have available, especially for those new to completing the SF-278 report.

HHS Late Fee Assessment Procedure for SF 278 Filers (html format with internal links)  Also available in printable pdf format.

Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278) (2000) (Download Non-fillable PDF File)

This PDF version is for printing a copy of the SF 278 form only. It includes the instructions and the form. You may wish to print it to see what the final report looks like, to help guide you through data entry using NEES, as noted above. This may also be used for pre-employment draft reports.

OGE also has a non-accessible fillable pdf version of the Public Financial Disclosure Report which also can be used for draft, New Entrant reports.

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

*NOTE: This link is to the Adobe web site.  After you download the Acrobat Reader file, you must also install it. Please carefully read the instructions on the download screen and complete both steps.


Updated: 1/27/09