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Agent Name Fernambouc
Major Category Biological Agents
Synonyms Caisalpinia echinata; In Appendix D of ACGIH publication, Fernam bouc is the common name and Caesalpinia the Latin name. [TLVs and BEIs]
Category Wood Dusts & Extracts
Comments Occupational asthma reported in a violin bow maker; [Malo] Allergic contact dermatitis has been reported. (For "Brasilwood" or "Caesalpinia echinata"; the name "Fernambouc" is not listed in this reference.) [ILO Encyclo, Table 86.1]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Adverse Effects
Asthma Yes
Skin Sensitizer Yes
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Last updated: January, 2009