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Agent Name Trimethyl benzene isomers
CAS Number 25551-13-7; 526-73-8; 95-63-6; 108-67-8
Formula C9-H12
Major Category Solvents
Synonyms Mesitylene; Symmetrical trimethylbenzene; sym-Trimethylbenzene; Assymetrical trimethylbenzene; psi-Cumene; Pseudocumene; Hemimellitene; Hemelitol; [NIOSH] Methylxylene; Trimethyl benzene; Benzene, trimethyl-; Benzene, trimethyl- (mixed isomers); Trimethylbenzenes; [ChemIDplus] 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene; 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene; 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene; [Hawley] UN1993; UN2325 (1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene)
Category Aromatic Solvents
Description Clear, colorless liquid with a distinctive, aromatic odor; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Used in the synthesis of organic chemicals; also used in plastics as an ultraviolet stabilizer and in solvents; [ACGIH]
Comments Hemimellitene is a mixture of the 1,2,3-isomer with up to 10% of related aromatics such as the 1,2,4-isomer. Hemelitol is the 1,2,3-isomer. [NIOSH] A skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritant; Inhalation of high concentrations may cause CNS effects; [ICSC]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) No
TLV (ACGIH) 25 ppm, mixed isomers
MAK 20 ppm
Vapor Pressure 2.1 mm Hg
Odor Threshold Low 0.006 ppm
Odor Threshold High 2.4 ppm
Explanatory Notes Detection odor threshold from AIHA (mean = 2.4 ppm and 2.2 ppm respectively for 1,2,4-trimethyl benzene and 1,3,5-trimethyl benzene); The Guide from the Emergency Response Guidebook is for "1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene."
Flammability (NFPA) 2: high ambient temperature required
Adverse Effects
Neurotoxin CNS Solvent Syndrome
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: TRIMETHYLBENZENES  
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Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
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Diseases Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:

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Last updated: January, 2009