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NIH Staff Interaction with the Executive Secretariat
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Link to NIH Staff Interaction with the Executive Secretariat
Controlled Correspondence Electronic Document Management System (eFlow) Communications with Congress Signature of the NIH Director on Certificates NIH Director's Official Files
Congressional Mail Procedures Congressional Telephone Calls Congressional Visits Reports to Congress Required by Law
Congressional Visits


The DHHS Office of the Secretary must be informed of all visits to the NIH by members of Congress or their staffs, of all requests to visit the NIH by members of Congress or their staffs, and of all official visits to members of Congress or their staffs by NIH employees. The NIH Office of Legislative and Policy Analysis (OLPA) must be notified of requests for congressional visits, and the NIH must inform the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation in advance of any proposed visit and the purpose of the visit.


As soon as planning begins or a request is received for a congressional visit, notify OLPA through your IC legislative contact (PDF file), first by telephone (496-3471), then with a written report (send to OLPA, Building 1, Room 244). The written report may be a memorandum or, if appropriate, may be submitted on a Report of Congressional Call form.

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Last updated: April 17, 2003