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The NICHD Microscopy and Imaging Core (M.I.C.) is designed as a multi-user research services facility providing instrumentation, training and facilities required for high resolution microscopy and image processing. The core is located on the fifth and sixth floors of building 49. It is equipped with several point scanning confocal microscopes (Zeiss LSM 510 meta inverted, Zeiss LSM 510 meta upright 2-photon, Zeiss LSM 410 inverted), a Perkin-Elmer Ultraview spinning disk confocal instrument, a Leica wide-angle and an Olympus TIRF microscope, together with a Jeol 1010 Transmission Electron Microscope.

The mission of the Core is to provide facilities, instruments and training for all NICHD scientists who require high-resolution microscopy in their research. In addition, the Core will be actively involved in technology development focused on improving, automating, and providing enhanced access to advanced imaging technologies, including:

Confocal microscopy
Fluorescence based methodologies such as FRAP, FRET, uncaging
Time lapse imaging with fluorescence or DIC
Real-time (3D, 4D) multi-photon microscopy
Image processing and image rendering
Publication quality printing


Last Modified: June 2008