Executive Committee

Dr. Elizabeth B. Rex
Co-Chair (ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for UK
Email: elizabeth.rex@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Suman Das
Co-chair (appointed co-chair beginning Jan 2008)
Representative for India
Email: dassr@niaid.nih.gov

Dr. Aurea De Sousa
Representative for Brazil
Email: desousaa@nidcd.nih.gov

Dr. Shikha Gupta
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for India
Email: guptashik@niddk.nih.gov

Dr. Christiane Jost
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for Germany
Email: jostc@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Mary Kaileh
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for Palestine
Email: kailehmg@nia.nih.gov

Dr. Gaelle Kolb
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for France
IWG liaison
Email: kolbg@niaid.nih.gov

Dr. Edina Komlodi-Pasztor
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for Hungary
Email: komlodie@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Michael Legiewicz
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for Poland
NCI-CCR liaison
Email: mlegiewicz@ncifcrf.gov

Dr. Xiujie Li
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for China
Email: lixiu@ncifcrf.gov

Dr. Yuan Lu
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for China
Email: luyuan@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Hina Mehta
Representative for India
VFC Newsletter editor
Email: mehtah@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Pablo R. Moya
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for Chile
Science Voices from Home Coordinator
Email: moyap@mail.nih.gov

Florian Muller
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for Austria
Email: muellerf@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Hwei Ling Ong
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for Malaysia
Website liaison
Email: ongh@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Khalid Parez
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for India
Email: parvezk@niaid.nih.gov

Dr. Thirumalai Ramalingam
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for India
Email: ramalingamt@niaid.nih.gov

Dr. Suneet Shukla
(ad-hoc/at large)
NIH India representative
Science Voices from Home coordinator
Email: shuklas@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Shireesh Srivastava
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for
Email: srivastavasg@mail.nih.gov

Dr. Mark Wilson
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for UK
Email: wilsonmar@niaid.nih.gov

Dr. Shadia Zaman
(ad-hoc/at large)
Representative for Bangladesh
Email: zamans@niddk.nih.gov


Past Members


Dr. Guida Landoure                        

(left NIH Dec 2007)

Representative for Africa

Email: landourg@ninds.nih.gov


Dr. Anna Simon

(left NIH Jan 2008)


Representaive for Netherlands

Email: simona2@mail.nih.gov


How you can contribute

  • Become a representative for your region
  • Join our listserv: send an email to listserv@list.nih.gov and in the body of the message type "subscribe VISITINGFELLOWS@LIST.NIH.GOV"
  • Make suggestions about how your NIH experience can be improved and send it to NIHVFC.


The NIHVFC website and activities are sponsored by:
The NIH Fellows Committee (FELCOM)
The Fogarty International Center (FIC)
The Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE)

Last updated on: 08/25/2008