Amber 10 Benchmarks: Factor IX

May 2008. The Factor IX constant pressure benchmark from the AMBER benchmark suite. A TIP3 water solvated system with 90,905 total atoms and PME used with a direct space cutoff of 8 Angstroms.

Bottom line:
Run Time in seconds (Efficiency %)
o2800 gige
2.8 GHz Opteron
1 Gb/s ethernet
Pathscale compilers, 64-bit
o2800 IB
2.8 GHz Opteron
8 Gb/s Infiniband
Pathscale compilers,64-bit
o2800dc gige
2.8 GHz dual-core Opteron
1 Gb/s ethernet
Pathscale compilers, 64-bit
1 723 (100) 728 (100) 725 (100)
2 395 (92) 380 (96) 432 (84)
4 336 (54) 199 (91) 229 (79)
8 221 (41) 106 (85) 236 (38)
16 159 (28) 62 (73) 176 (26)
32 142 (16) 38 (59) 153 (15)

Amber 9 Benchmarks: Factor IX

May 2008. The Factor IX constant pressure benchmark from the AMBER benchmark suite. A TIP3 water solvated system with 90,905 total atoms and PME used with a direct space cutoff of 8 Angstroms.


Bottom line:

Run Time in seconds (Efficiency %)
o2800 gige
2.8 GHz Opteron
1 Gb/s ethernet
Portland Group compilers, 32-bit
o2600 gige
2.6 GHz dual-core Opteron
1 Gb/s ethernet
Portland Group compilers, 32-bit
o2200 myr2k
2.2 GHz Opteron
2 Gb/s Myrinet
Portland Group compilers, 32-bit
o2800 IB
2.8 GHz Opteron
8 Gb/s Infiniband
Pathscale compilers,64-bit
o2800 gige
2.8 GHz Opteron
1 Gb/s ethernet
Intel compilers, 64-bit
o2800 gige
2.8 GHz Opteron
1 Gb/s ethernet
Pathscale compilers, 64-bit
1794 (100)844 (100) 1018 (100) 669 (100) 648 (100) 659 (100)
2 430 (92) 497 (85) 536 (95) 351 (95) 397 (81) 378 (87)
4301 (66) 306 (69) 292 (87) 179 (93) 304 (53) 298 (55)
8 217 (46) 226 (47) 162 (79) 95 (88) 211 (38) 235 (35)

102 (62) 55 (77) 151 (27) 169 (24)

74 (43) 37 (57) 134 (15) 141 (15)


Benchmarks with older nodes (July 2006)

Run Time in seconds (Efficiency %)
p2800, gige
2.8 GHz Xeon, 1Gb/s ethernet
p2800, Myr
(2.8 GHz Xeon, 2Gb/s Myrinet)
o2200, gige
(2.2 GHz Opteron, 1Gb/s ethernet)
o2200, myr
(2.2 GHz Opteron, 2Gb/s Myrinet)
o2800, gige
(2.8 GHz Opteron, 1Gb/s ethernet)
1 1403 (100) 1414 (100) 1037 (100) 1018 (100) 794 (100)
2 845 (83) 838 (84) 562 (92) 536 (95) 430 (92)
4 577 (61) 452 (78) 369 (70) 292 (87) 301 (66)
8 384 (46) 252 (70) 250 (52) 162 (78) 217 (46)
16 263 (33) 155 (57) 172 (37) 102 (62) 146 (34)
32 220 (20)
151 (21) 74 (43) 132 (19)

Bottom line:

The chart below shows the same benchmarks, reported in psec/day. (calculated as per Amber website: dt=0.0015, so ps-per-day = 129.6/(time-per-step).

ps-per-day (Speedup)
p2800, gige
2.8 GHz Xeon, 1Gb/s ethernet
p2800, Myr
(2.8 GHz Xeon, 2Gb/s Myrinet)
o2200, gige
(2.2 GHz Opteron, 1Gb/s ethernet)
o2200, myr
(2.2 GHz Opteron, 2Gb/s Myrinet)
o2800, gige
(2.8 GHz Opteron, 1Gb/s ethernet)
1 46.17 45.81 62.46 63.63 81.53
2 76.61 (1.66) 77.32 (1.69) 115.12 (1.85) 120.89 (1.90) 150.55 (1.85)
4 112.27 (2.43) 143.33 (3.13) 175.19 (2.82) 221.33 (3.48) 214.99 (2.64)
8 168.65 (3.65) 257.12 (5.61) 259.01 (4.17) 399.48 (6.28) 298.14 (3.66)
16 246.07 (5.33) 417.26 (9.11) 374.59 (6.03) 633.37 (9.95) 441.33 (5.41)
32 293.25 (6.35) 427.53 (6.88) 872.14 (13.71) 488.39 (5.99)