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Instructions for Cores

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A multiproject application can have several scientific cores but only one administrative core.

Each core unit provides essential facilities or services for two or more research projects. A multiproject application may include two types of cores: scientific cores and an administrative core.

Scientific core or cores. A scientific core is a resource for the entire program. The application should list the projects it will serve and services it will provide, e.g., production of monoclonal antibodies and distribution to research projects 1 and 2.

Describe in detail the facilities, techniques, and skills the core will provide and the role of the core leader and each key participant. State the percentage of total dollars required to support each project that will use each scientific core.

Administrative core. The institution and the PI are responsible for the application and collaborative research activities. The institution is legally and financially accountable for the use of funds and must show it can perform the necessary administrative functions.

You should request funding for the program's administrative needs, for example, secretarial and other administrative services, expenses for publications for collaborative efforts, and communication expenses.

The following instructions are unique to multiproject grants. For other items, follow the PHS 398 instructions.

All cores. Introduce each core using the PHS 398 Continuation Page; do not use the Face Page form.

Use a letter, e.g., A, B, C, to designate each core unit, and give each a unique title. For easy cross-referencing, type the core's title and letter on the upper left-hand margin of all relevant pages.

The cover page should contain the following items only:

  • Core Letter and Title: e.g., A. Monoclonal Antibody Production Core
  • Name of Core Leader: e.g., Smith, Robert A.
  • Human Subjects: Yes or No
    If yes, exemption number
    IRB approval date or "pending"
    Federalwide Assurance number
  • Vertebrate Animals: Yes or No
    If Yes, IACUC approval date or "pending"
    Animal welfare assurance number
  • Proposed Period of Support
    From: mmddyy, e.g., 07/01/07
    To: mmddyy, e.g., 06/30/12
  • Costs Requested for Initial Budget Period: e.g., 07/01/07 to 06/30/08
    Direct costs: e.g., $50,000
    Total costs: e.g., $70,000
  • Costs Requested for Entire Budget Period: e.g., 07/01/07 to 06/30/12
    Direct costs: e.g., $212,323
    Total costs: e.g., $297,252
  • Applicant Organization: Full name and address

Form Page 2

Provide a description, an abstract of the core activities and services to be provided to the projects. The abstract should also briefly describe how the core will contribute to attaining the objectives of the overall program.

List the performance sites that will conduct the core activities and services.

Under "key personnel," list the core leader followed by the other key personnel and then other significant contributors.

Form Page 3

Prepare a table of contents for each core.

Biographical Sketch Format Page

Do not include biographical sketches; they go in the overall application and its table of contents only.

Research Plan

Items 2 to 5 are limited to 25 pages.

  • Item 2 -- Specific Aims: List in priority order the objectives of the proposed core. In addition, state its relationship to the program's goals and the research projects or other cores. This section is typically one page.
  • Item 3 -- Background and Significance: Use this section to describe how the proposed core activities will contribute to meeting the program's goals and objectives, and explain the rationale for selecting the methods to accomplish the specific aims. This section should indicate the relevance of the core to the primary theme of the application.
  • Item 4 -- Preliminary Studies/Progress Report: Describe the proposed core's services and expertise in providing those services for the program. Show how the core will further the program's goals.
  • Item 5 -- Research Design and Methods: State the roles and responsibilities of the administrative core leader and functions of the proposed core. Include a detailed description of the core's facilities, approaches, support, and plans for prioritizing its services.


Do not create an Appendix for a core as the whole application will have only one Appendix.

Introduction for a Resubmission

If you need to resubmit, include an introduction of up to three pages for each core to address reviewers' comments.

Note: you must request permission from your program officer to resubmit your application.

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DHHS Logo Department of Health and Human Services NIH Logo National Institutes of Health NIAID Logo National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases January 23, 2009
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