Dynamin Structure Laboratory of Cell Biochemistry and Biology - Structural Analysis of Dynamin Dr. Jenny Hinshaw
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Jenny E. Hinshaw, Ph.D.

Hinshaw, J.E., & Miller, K.R. (1986) Immunogold Labeling of Thylakoid Membranes. In: Progress in Photosynthesis Research, (J. Biggins, Ed.) 2:313-316.

Corral, R., Hinshaw , J.E., Clark , S.B., & Rounds, S. (1986) Chylomicron Metabolism by Normal and Injured Rat Lungs. Exp. Lung Res . 13: 45-58.

Hinshaw , J.E., & Miller, K.R. (1988) A Novel Method for the Visualization of Outer Surfaces from Stacked Regions of Thylakoid Membranes. NATO/FEBS school, In: Techniques and New Developments in Photosynthesis Research. (J. Barber and R. Malkin, eds.) Plenum Publishing Co. pp 111-114.

Hinshaw , J.E., & Miller, K.R. (1989) Localization of Light-Harvesting Complex II to the Occluded Surfaces of Photosynthetic Membranes. J. Cell Biol . 109:1725-1731.

Hinshaw , J.E., Carragher, B.O., & Milligan, R.A. (1992) Architecture and Design of the Nuclear Pore Complex. Cell . 69:1133-1141.

Hessler, D., Young, S.J., Carragher, B.O., Martone, M., Hinshaw , J.E., Milligan, R.A., Masliah, E., Whittaker, M., Lamont, S., & Ellisman, M.H. (1992) SYNU: Software for Visualization of 3-Dimensional Biological Structures. In: Microscopy: The Key Research Tool. (C. E. Lyman, L.D. Peachey and R.M. Fisher, eds.) Published by EMSA Inc. 22:73-82.

Hinshaw , J.E., & Miller, K.R. (1993) Mapping the Lateral Distribution of Photosystem II and the Cytochrome b6/f Complex by Direct Immune Labeling of the Thylakoid Membrane. J. Struct. Biol . 111:1-8.

Hinshaw , J.E. (1994) Architecture of the Nuclear Pore Complex and its Involvement in Nucleocytoplasmic Transport. Biochemical Pharmacology. 47:15-20.

Hinshaw , J.E. & Schmid, S.L. (1995) Dynamin Self-Assembles into Rings Suggesting a Mechanism for Coated Vesicle Budding. Nature . 374:190-2.

Baba, T., Damke, H. Hinshaw , J.E., Ikeda, K., Schmid. S.L. & Warnock, D.E. (1995) Role of Dynamin in Clathrin Coated Vesicle Formation. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Vol. LX:235-242. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Warnock, D.E., Hinshaw , J.E. & S.L. Schmid (1996) Dynamin Self-assembly Stimulates Its GTPase Activity. J. Biol. Chem . 271:22310-22314.

Carr, J.F. &Hinshaw , J.E. (1997) Dynamin Assembles into Spirals under Physiological Salt Conditions upon the Addition of GDP and γ -Phosphate Analogues. J. Biol. Chem. 272:28030-28035.

Hinshaw , J.E. &Hanover, J.A. (1997) Nuclear Pore, Structure and Function. Encyclopedia of Human Biology. 6:265-275. Academic Press.

Sweitzer, S.M. &Hinshaw , J.E. (1998) Dynamin Undergoes a GTP-Dependent Conformational Change Causing Vesiculation. Cell. 93:1021-1029.

Hinshaw , J.E. (1999) Dynamin Spirals. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol., 9:260-267.

Hinshaw , J.E. (2000) Dynamin and Its Role in Membrane Fission, Annual Reviews of Cell and Developmental Biology. 16:483-519.

Zhang, P. & Hinshaw , J.E. (2001) Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Dynamin in the Constricted State. Nat. Cell Biol. 3:922-926.

Danino, D.& Hinshaw J.E. (2001) Dynamin Family of Mechanoenzymes. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 13:454-460.

Hinshaw , J.E., &Milligan, R.A. (2003) Nuclear Pore Complexes Exceeding Eightfold Rotational Symmetry. J. Struc. Biol. 141:259-268.

Danino, D., Moon, K-H., & Hinshaw , J.E. (2004) Rapid Constriction of Lipid Bilayers by the Mechanochemical Enzyme Dynamin. J. Struc. Biol. 147:259-67.

Chen, Y-J., Zhang, P., Egelman, E.H., & Hinshaw , J.E. (2004) The Stalk Region of Dynamin Drives the Constriction of Dynamin Tubes. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 11: 574-575.

Hickman AB, Perez ZN, Zhou L, Musingarimi P, Ghirlando R, Hinshaw J.E., Craig NL, & Dyda F. (2005) Molecular architecture of a eukaryotic DNA transposase. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 12: 715-21.

Ingerman E., Perkins E.M., Marino M., Mears J.A., McCaffery J.M., Hinshaw J.E., Nunnari J. (2005) Dnm1 Forms Spirals that are Structurally Tailored to Fit Mitochondria. J Cell Biol. 170:1021-7.

Naylor K., Ingerman E., Okreglak V., Marino M., Hinshaw J.E., Nunnari J. (2005) MDV1 Interacts with Assembled DNM1 to Promote Mitochondrial Division. J Biol Chem, 281: 2177-2183 .



Last Updated: 2/15/2006

The Laboratory of Cell Biochemistry and Biology of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases is part of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. General inquiries may be addressed directly to Jenny Hinshaw, Bldg. 8, Rm. 419, 8 Center Dr MSC 0850, NIH Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. TEL:301-594-0842. Email Jenny Hinshaw at jennyh@helix.nih.gov or the webmaster at dkwebmaster@extra.niddk.nih.gov.

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