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    President Bush identified 5 Government-wide Initiatives in his 2002 Management Agenda(

    1.Strategic Management of Human Capital
    2.Competitive Sourcing
    3.Improved Financial Performance
    4.Expanded Electronic Government
    5.Budget and Performance Integration

    This web site is established to provide information about the Competitive Sourcing activities being conducted at NIH in support of the President’s Management Agenda’s Competitive Sourcing Initiative. The Competitive Sourcing Initiative is intended “to achieve efficient and effective competition between public and private sources, the Administration has committed itself to simplifying and improving the procedures for evaluating public and private sources, to better publicizing the activities subject to competition, and to ensuring senior level agency attention to the promotion of competition.”

    The purpose of Competitive Sourcing Program (sometimes referred to as the Commercial Activities, or CA, A-76 Program) is to implement OMB Circular A-76 to create cost savings for NIH. A-76 mandates that the government obtain commercially available goods and services from the private sector when it makes economic sense to do so. Government policy dating back to 1955 establishes that the Government will only provide what its citizens (i.e. the private sector) cannot.

    In accordance with the Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act , agencies are assessing the susceptibility to competition of the activities their workforces are performing. After review by OMB, the agencies will provide their inventories to Congress and make them available to the public. Interested parties may challenge the omission or inclusion of any particular activity.

    NIH is committed to fulfilling the President’s Management Agenda and is in the early stages of the A-76 process We will be adding to the website as new information becomes available. Links to other A-76 websites are provided here to give more information about A-76. Some Definitions of Terms used for the A-76 process are provided here. We have also provided some frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about A-76. If you have questions about A-76 you can write to us at Points of Contact for the A-76 program at NIH are also provided here.

    Email questions/comments:



Last updated on: 01/31/2006

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