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The Whip Pack

Week of July 24, 2006

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  • H.R. 1956 - Federal Pre-Emption of State Tax Authority Act

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version 
House Report and Background: 
House Report HTML Version
House Report PDF Version   
Summary and Status
CRS Report - Internet Taxation: Issues and Legislation in the 109th Congress
CRS Report - State Corporate Income Taxes: A Description and Analysis

  • H.R. 5682 - United States and India Nuclear Cooperation Promotion Act of 2006

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version    
House Report and Background: 
House Report HTML Version
House Report PDF Version  
Summary and Status

CRS Report - U.S. Nuclear Cooperation with India: Issues for Congress
CRS Report - India's Nuclear Separation Plan: Issues and Views

  • H.R. 5776 - Government Efficiency Sunset Act 

Bill Text:
HTML Version 
PDF Version
House Report and Background: 
House Report HTML Version (Not Yet Available)
House Report PDF Version (Not Yet Available)  
Summary and Status
CRS Report - Commission on the Acountability and Review of Federal Agencies: A Brief Overview of Legislative Proposals

  • H.R. 3282 - Sunset Commission

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version 
House Report and Background: 
House Report HTML Version (Not Yet Available)
House Report PDF Version (Not Yet Available
Summary and Status
CRS Report - A Sunset Commission for the Federal Government: Recent Developments

  • Possible Consideration of H.R. 2830 - Pension Conference Report

Conference Report and Background: 
Conference Report HTML Version (Not Yet Available)
Conference Report PDF Version (Not Yet Available
Summary and Status
CRS Report - H.R. 2830: The Pension Protection Act of 2005

  • Possible Consideration of H.R. 366 - Vocational education Conference Report

Conference Report and Background: 
Conference Report HTML Version (Not Yet Available)
Conference Report PDF Version (Not Yet Available
Summary and Status
CRS Report - Vocational Education Reauthorization


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Madison Building, Room LM-206 (5-7132)
B-221 Longworth House Office Building (5-2030)
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If you have any questions please contact the Democratic Whip's Office at 5-3130.