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The Whip Pack

Week of June 19, 2006

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  • H.R. 5631 -  Department of Defense Appropriations Act for FY07

Bill Text:
HTML Version 
PDF Version 
House Report and Background: 
House Report HTML Version
House Report PDF Version  
Summary and Status
CRS Report - Defense: FY2007 Authorization and Appropriations

  • H.R. 9 - Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006Act

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version    
House Report and Background: 
House Report HTML Version
House Report PDF Version 
Summary and Status

CRS Report - The Voting Rights Act of 1965, as Amended: Reauthorization Issues

  • H.R. 4890 - Legislative Line Item Veto Act of 2006

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version    
House Report and Background: 
House Report HTML Version
House Report PDF Version 
Summary and Status

CRS Report - Line Item Veto: A Constitutional Analysis of Recent Proposals


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If you have any questions please contact the Democratic Whip's Office at 5-3130.