Economy is going from bad to worse, reports show
Three government reports on unemployment, housing and durable goods are evidence of the recession's depth. Grim GDP data are expected today.
Without strong leadership or the political capital to oppose a popular president, the fractured GOP can't agree on options for the economic stimulus package. >>

Thomas P. O'Brien, who charged a former Marine with manslaughter and sought to strip a motorcycle gang of its identity, immerses himself in the grand jury investigation of Cardinal Roger M. Mahony. >>

It's Obama's final Cabinet post without a nominee. If the New Hampshire Republican had his post filled by a Democrat, it would help land the Democrats a filibuster-proof majority. >>

Her appointment has been in limbo since her confirmation hearing, in which Republican senators say she was evasive on key questions. >>

The largely party-line vote foreshadows a bigger partisan struggle for overhauling the nation's healthcare system. >>

A report finds that executives approved $18.4 billion in bonuses last year. The president says that's 'the height of irresponsibility' when the companies are receiving bailouts. >>

It's the highest in 30 years. Military officials say in a report that prevention efforts are inadequate. >>

Army Col. James L. Pohl rejects the president's request to stop proceedings at the military tribunal. He says the proposal is 'not reasonable.' >>

January 28, 2009
The state could get as much as $63 billion in federal funds, most of which will go for shovel-ready projects and tax cuts. >>

January 29, 2009
The central bank may reduce balances of loans it owns if struggling borrowers meet certain conditions. >>

In a strictly party-line vote, lawmakers approve Obama's plan that expands jobless benefits, cuts taxes and spends on infrastructure, energy and education. >>

After his daughters' school cancels classes following a storm, the president says the capital could use a little 'Chicago toughness.' >>

The all-too-familiar machinery of partisan politics surfaces over the House economic stimulus vote. >>

A House vote to expedite the extension lacks the needed two-thirds majority, but proponents expect it to pass soon. >>

Andrew Warren was accused by two Algerian women of drugging and raping them in separate incidents, according to an affidavit. >>

He says afterward that fighting extremists is the top priority in Afghanistan but that he would increase involvement of civilian U.S. agencies in governance, justice, agriculture and other fields. >>

The Justice Department is investigating allegations that the officer drugged and raped two Algerian women. >>

January 28, 2009
The president visits the House and Senate before a key vote on his $825-billion package. Republicans say they appreciate Obama's outreach but think the economic plan is too costly. >>

As Obama prepares to meet with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to review strategy in the troubled war effort, the Defense secretary expresses a view different from that voiced by the Bush White House. >>

After calling dozens of world leaders, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks of their 'appreciation' for the Obama foreign policy team's new direction. >>

January 27, 2009
The department's new chief will review many of the energy and environmental decisions made in the waning days of the Bush administration. >>

January 28, 2009
The Justice Department confirms that on his last full day as president, Bush also denied clemency for John Walker Lindh and Leonard Peltier. >>

Congress on Tuesday sent the White House what is expected to be the first legislation President Obama signs into law: a bill that makes it easier for women and others to sue for pay discrimination, even if the discrimination has prevailed for years, even decades. >>

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Roger Smith, National Editor

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