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Dinner with my old friend Rich Humphrey. Hearing about his startup and generally catching up. Happy he "uses Google for everything" ;-)
This is cool: AdBusting - Photoshop stickers expose airbrushed beauty:
@al3x Yeah, I've come to love that one too... (Asked for it ages ago in fact... ;-)
I love that Obama took the oath again today. Perhaps Al Gore advised him
Liking my Dopplr annual report very much! Dopplr nails it again
@ericjackson @chaddickerson and I don't have a lot of pull over there lately... ;-)
Watching "Iron Man" using Amazon VOD... Amazon's service is impressive. (Iron Man too.) Looking forward to the soon-coming Roku delivery.
RT: @jyri Shared contact info now in Google Profiles:
Google is making me smarter:
@joshk Thanks for a great time, great dinner, great company. You guys rock, and I appreciate being part of the extended family.
Glad Sue Decker resigned. I have immense respect and admiration for her. YHOO should complement Bartz with someone who knows the internet.
Happy 50th birthday to Motown. Marvin Gaye is still a permanent fixture in my Prius CD changer. And good luck Detroit:
Congrats Reader team on winning a Crunchie!
Welcome to @blogger, the official Twitter account of the blogger team... (Now go follow!)
RT @pomeranian99 1 mo. into moving all my work into Google Docs, I've decided that despite its limitations, I vastly prefer it to old-skool
Woohoo! @narendra adds retweet functionality in v1.01 of PowerTwitter:
Picasa for Mac released today. Congrats!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Tim Roberts kellan sara Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins heif Mary Hodder Eric Costello Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Ross ps Edward Ho Gordon derek dukes Nitin Borwankar Om Malik kareem tedr Narendra Dave McClure Niall Kennedy peterme
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