Welcome to the caBIG™ Community Website
The National Cancer Institute is launching a 21st century information initiative that will transform the way we do cancer research. We are creating a network that will freely connect the entire cancer community. In doing so, we are leveraging valuable resources and saving precious time toward new discoveries.
New visitors are encouraged to visit About caBIG™. View caBIG™ Essentials, an interactive (Adobe Flash) overview, for an introduction to important terminology, key concepts, and different ways of connecting with caBIG™. You can also visit Getting Connected to learn about key concepts. If you are already familiar with caBIG™ but looking for a synopsis of recent activities by the workspaces and SIGs look at What's BIG This Week and the monthly newsletter caBIG™ Links. If you are looking for more information on support and training please visit Getting Support.
caBIG® Enterprise Support Network
View the list of currently licensed caBIG® Support Service Providers and visit the Knowledge Centers for domain-specific resources and expertise.
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caBIG™ Wins Bio-IT World's Best Practices Editors' Choice Award
Kenneth Buetow, associate director for bioinformatics and information technology at NCI, believes the Best Practices Editors’ Choice award will draw more attention to caBIG, a three-year effort to connect people, organizations, and data through IT: a worldwide cancer web.
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Comprehensive genomic characterization defines human glioblastoma genes and core pathways
September 2008: Nature - The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network, a collaborative effort funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), reported the first results of its large-scale, comprehensive study of the most common form of brain cancer, glioblastoma (GBM).
Forward-Looking Systems at NCI
July 2008. ClinPage – ClinPage published an article about caBIG™ that includes an interview with Dr. Ken Buetow, Associate Director for Bioinformatics and Information Technology at the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
caBIG™ News
Amendment 02 for the caBIG In Silico Research Centers Request for Proposal -- Solicitation No. S09-094
Amendment 01 for the caBIG® In Silico Research Centers Request for Proposal -- Solicitation No. S09-094
Gene Abnormality Found To Predict Childhood Leukemia Relapse; Data Now Available through TARGET Portal, Enabled by caBIG® Technology
Request For Proposal: caBIG® In Silico Research Centers