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NIH Reauthorization: Bill Would Create Electronic Research Tracking System


September 21, 2006

The House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday approved legislation to reauthorize the NIH, Congress Daily reports (Lee, Congress Daily, 9/21).

The legislation also would establish an electronic tracking system for research grants and activities at the agency's 27 institutions and centers, TechnologyDaily reports. The system also would search for types of grants, public health area and managing entities, and relevant literature and patents (TechnologyDaily, 9/21).

Commerce Committee Chair Joe Barton (R-Texas) said he hopes to send the bill to President Bush by the end of the year. If approved, this would be the first NIH reauthorization in 13 years (Congress Daily, 9/21).

September 2006 News

Senator Tom Coburn

Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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