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John Etchepare
Jason Fearneyhough
Deputy Director

Muff Parker
Executive Secretary

Wyoming Agriculture
By John Etchepare
Director, Wyoming Department of Agriculture

        Agriculture is important to every state in the union, but nowhere is it more a part of the state’s heritage than it is in Wyoming. Farmers and ranchers were contributing to this area before Wyoming became a state, and these important contributions continue today. The men and women of Wyoming’s 9,200 farms and ranches derive cash incomes that total over $850 million annually. Over 75 percent of Wyoming’s cash receipts stem from the marketing of livestock and livestock products.

        In addition to the money these producers bring in to the state, they contribute to the economy by spending these dollars in their local communities. The efficiency of their operations allows consumers to spend less for food than people of any other country in the world.

        These operations create profits, but they also contribute to Wyoming’s quality of life by conserving soil, securing open spaces, and providing wildlife habitat. Nationally, Wyoming ranks eighth in the total acres of farms and ranches, with 34.4 million acres dedicated to farming and ranching. The state also ranks first nationally in the average size of farms and ranches.

        While most Wyoming citizens recognize the importance of agriculture to the state, many do not take the time to recognize and celebrate our agriculture producers. Please join me in recognizing that contribution and celebrating agriculture in Wyoming. Agriculture truly is the heart of Wyoming’s heritage and future!



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