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If the lock turns but the dead bolt doesn't move.... Then andrew gets locked in the da apartment. LOL
Yay unusable zero button on the iPhone dialpad that hits "call" EVERY TIME! </caps>
On our way!!!
Write what you think rather than what you are doing. It is a state of mind that avoids meaning. Change state! What are you thinking today?
If you ever hang with mc hammer and talk oakland A's stories; EPiC WIN!
Hawaii invaded by nerds in bad tshirts. Locals planning a beat down.
80 degree water in Jacksonville Florida ... Surfing was like being in a washing machine tho..
Err nothing more hilarious than people taking kickball too seriously. Maybe people taking dodgeball too seriously.. But nah.. Kickball
There is only one thing more hilarious than
daily parking ticket? check.
EIGHT BLUE ANGELS flew over my office building this afternoon. Stunningly awesome. They dipped down Fleet Week in SF - 10 mins SF -> LA!!!
Monday rolls in, Groups development switches to full on status.. Deviation is on the horizon.
Must establish caffeine link. Searching for connection......
rampaged boltsky in call of duty 4 head to head. and a new 684k point record in geometry wars. i've still got game. =P
retuned t-rex w/ a buddy its now on point. chillin with tk, my nerdstar girlfriend and a phd in biochem keepin it real at dinner!
flying my trex 600 all day!
that's it. i'm never eating again. i retire from eating.
twitter widget for Vista installed. Twitter activity to increase.
twitter hits 1,350 on Alexa. I think this one is really gonna go ;)