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Realizing, as i see 1, that i havent seen a lawn mower in quite some time
Hmm we need an @ladies account so i can adress all my honies at once!
Cleaning out,washng and filling up my shuttle machine
is crawling back into bed! (''jst 5 more minutes'')
Woo hoo!
Cramming. The topic: genetic markers,gene flow,the biology of natural selection
Jst had a 60 yr old man look me up and dwn and say ''sweet'' O_o
Eatng a raw daikon radish-spicy!
Feelng academically overwhelmd
3 women breakng up w the same guy at the same time=f-in chaos
Omg what splendid weather!!
Is happy
And thnking i should drive my car less to preserve it and the environment
Feeling impatient as i wait 4 a ride 4 the 1st time in a long time
Having hot tea w my cold mango wedges
..nightmares? No. My essence feels paralyzed but i know its not. I better get up & clean somethng to eclipse the reality
I open my eyes to rise but am sinking inside. Fear weighs on the core of me.
Sunshiny run this morning! :)
Hookn myself up w the down again


Jack Dorsey crystal Krissy Bush Brandooon Hallie jason_g jeremiah Victor telene Konstantin Tony Bob fabienne Tara Reza Angelique YudhanizZzation amy rose unknownX Istol Bao Jeremy Gordon Fil reza Laina R. Levy