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It's a rare day that I'm awake at 3am (and it's not getting up to catch a flight.) Great night w/Bonobo & the boys
There is a much dorkier version of my ex (if that's even possible) here at a much cooler place than he's ever be. Irony is fun.
Unexpected night out with @cs44 & @gerardramos & hot monkey sex. Aka, we're seeing Bonobo. (And having hot monkey sex)
Being peer pressured by a certain failed "non-drinker in January" to fall off the wagon. On Jan 2nd. One guess who it is. (I abstained, ...
The fun continues - found my journals since 1998. TWENTY-ONE YEARS of ridiculosity. Also, I used the word 'boob' at an alarmingly young age.
Contemplating posting 1 inane statement from my old journals/day; i.e."I won the chugging contest w/a lightening bug down my shirt." 6/15/98
WOW. Just found my New Years Resolutions from 1995 & 1996. And they're really not all that different than ones I would/should make today!!!
Even though it's technically week one-ish, started on Week 3 of my running program and it kicked my ass. But I rocked it...ow.
Taking my 'lunch hour' at the gym. I've got a 5k to train for, after all. Speaking of, who else wants to run w/us?
Working from home today seemed like a good idea until I started watching "Heidi Klum: True Hollywood Story". Brutal for the self-esteem.
Thinking that watching 5 episodes in a row of Heroes was a bad idea, at least in terms of the crazy, scary dreams I'm going to end up with.
Finally sitting down to watch this season of Heroes. Makes me think of the last time I tried to watch it & how much has changed since then.
Resolution #3: Giving up sugar in January...tomorrow. Which means I need some Red Velvet cake RIGHT NOW.
Well, it took all day but finally found my underwear from last night. Won't say where, but suffice it to say it was in a 'creative' location
Resolution #2: No drinking in January (except on 1/14 for the Digg Meetup in LA.) So far, watching football w/a diet coke is BO-RING.
Overheard: Him: "He's not gay, he tripped & fell on that guy's penis." Me: "That happens!" Then I remembered there are parents in the room.
Watching football with my pseudo-family & eating pulled pork BBQ. All the girls are discussing the hotness of quarterbacks.
Drinking Opus One & other $100+ bottles of wine all night may help prevent hangovers but they don't do a thing against sleeping until 1:00pm
I craft the best angry text messages in my head. Which is where I'll be leaving them. 2009 Resolution #1: Avoid, escape & abandon any drama.
Going through my pictures. Reading my texts. Reclaiming my clothes from around the apartment. All signs point to a damn good New Years Eve!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Ian McKellar Sharon Chris Wetherell mai Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca Matt Galligan Jason Shugars Brian Walsh Michael Ferguson tedr Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Hillary Hartley tommy payne Scott Beale Buster McLeod bryan mason Rob Kniaz Dave Morin Brittany Bohnet Cameron Walters lane becker Glenda harryh Brett L. Cameron Marlow amanda kelso Thor Muller Amy Muller
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