U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Contact: Joe Brenckle - Republican Press Office 202-224-3991
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Commerce Committee Approves Bill to Make Broadband Access More Affordable
Legislation Would Encourage Cities and Towns to Offer Broadband Services
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee today approved legislation cosponsored by Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) to increase access to broadband services for cities and towns across America. The bill, the Community Broadband Act of 2007 (S.1853), is sponsored by Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), and cosponsored by Senators Gordon Smith (R-Ore.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). The bill now awaits action by the full Senate.
 “Broadband services are essential to providing important educational and economic opportunities, especially for rural areas,” said Senator Stevens.  “This bill would make it easier for municipalities, cities, and towns across our nation to offer broadband access to their residents through public-private partnerships.”
This legislation would allow municipalities to help fill the void in broadband access and enhance public safety development while bringing broadband services to their residents.  Senator Stevens included similar broadband provisions as part of a comprehensive communications bill last Congress.
Several groups and coalitions have expressed their strong support for the legislation including Free Press, ACUTA (the Association for Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education), the American Association of Law Libraries, the American Library Association, the American Public Power Association, the Association of Research Libraries, Civitium, Earthlink, Inc., EDUCAUSE, Fiber to the Home Council, GO Networks, Google, Intel, IPWireless, Media Access Project, MetroNetIQ, National Association of Counties, the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, NextWave Wireless Inc., Public Technology Institute, Skype Communications S.A., Tropos Networks, Utah Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agency (UTOPIA), Utilities Telecom Council, and XO Communications.
The Community Broadband Act of 2007 would specifically:
  • set forth that no state or local regulation or requirement can prevent a public provider from offering broadband services; 
  • require a municipality offering high-speed Internet services to comply with federal telecommunications law or regulation that applies to all such providers;
  • encourage public-private partnerships; and

provide the public with notice and an opportunity to be heard before a municipality provides broadband to the public.

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October 2007 Press Releases  « September | November »   « 2006 | 2008 » 
30th -  Inouye Coral Reef Conservation Bill Approved by Senate Commerce Committee
30th -  Inouye Praises Senate Approval of Amtrak Bill
30th -  current Press Release
30th -  Commerce Committee Approves Stevens Provision to Improve ATV Safety
30th -  Commerce Committee Approves Permanent Extension of “Do-Not-Call” Registry
30th -  Commerce Committee Approves Pryor-Inouye CPSC Reform Act
30th -  Congress Extends Internet Tax Ban for 7 Years
26th -  Op-Ed -- Congress must keep Internet access tax-free
26th -  Commerce Committee Weekly Roundup
25th -  Senate Extends Internet Tax Ban for 7 Years
25th -  AARP Commends Dorgan/Stevens Bill to Make Do-Not-Call List Permanent
24th -  Senate Commerce Committee Announces October 30 Markup
23rd -  Commerce Committee Announces Witnesses for Hearing on Sweatshop Conditions in Chinese Toy Industry
23rd -  Independent Music Label, Community Broadcasters, Public Radio Rep. to Testify at Future of Radio Hearing
19th -  Commerce Committee Weekly Roundup
19th -  Committee Members to Hear from Dept. of Commerce IG, Metro Washington Airports Board, Maritime Commission Nominees
19th -  Commerce Committee to Examine STB’s Commercial Regulation of Railroads
18th -  Commerce Subcommittee to Examine Sweatshop Conditions in Chinese Toy Industry
18th -  Inouye Calls for Modernization of U.S. Transportation System, Improved Safety Standards
17th -  Stevens Calls for Increased Oversight of DTV Transition
17th -  Senate Passes Stevens-Inouye Provision on IUU Fishing
16th -  DOT Secretary, IG to Testify Before Senate Commerce Committee
16th -  Senate Commerce Announces Witnesses for Science Parks Hearing
16th -  Inouye Op-ed: The Digital Revolution Must Be Televised Nationwide
15th -  Commerce Committee to Examine the Future of Radio
15th -  Witnesses Announced for TSA Oversight Hearing
12th -  Senate Commerce to Hear from State Gov., Industry, Consumer Advocates on Consumer Wireless Issues
12th -  FCC’s Adelstein, NTIA’s Kneuer Join Industry Reps to Testify Before Senate Commerce Committee
11th -  Senator Stevens Honored at NOAA’s 200th Anniversary Event
9th -  Op-Ed: Protecting Our Children Must Be a Top Priority
5th -  Commerce Committee Weekly Roundup
5th -  Senate Passes Stevens Resolution to Protect Arctic Fisheries
3rd -  Commerce Committee to Examine TSA Efforts to Meet 9/11 Recommendations
3rd -  DOT Oversight Focus of Upcoming Commerce Hearing
3rd -  Commerce Committee to Evaluate Consumer Wireless Issues
3rd -  Commerce Committee Announces Witnesses for Port Security Hearing
2nd -  Sen. Stevens Pushes for Increased Internet Safety for Children
2nd -  CPSC Commissioners, Consumer Advocates among Witnesses to Address Senate Panel
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Tel: 202-224-5115
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