(March 12, 2007) Lipinski's Metals Initiative Legislation Passes the House PDF  | Print |

Lipinski Legislation Passes U.S. House of Representatives
Metals Initiative Seeks to Grow American Jobs by Spurring Innovation


WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. House of Representatives today passed Congressman Dan Lipinski's bill to reauthorize the Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988.  H.R. 1126, known as the Metals Initiative, provides research funding to make American steel and other metals more efficient and environmentally friendly.

"Now more than ever it is vital to ensure that these industries are fully prepared to confront the challenges they face," explained Lipinski.  "This bill will help develop the tools needed to grow valuable American jobs and businesses, and to protect the environment through technological innovations." 

H.R. 1126 would reauthorize the Metals Initiative at $12 million per year from Fiscal Year 2008 through 2012 to fund advanced metals research.  As a result of this legislation, American metals industries will get help developing and implementing cost-saving and environmentally-friendly modern technology through critical grants to universities and other research institutions.  Through the collaborative research efforts of American companies, the Department of Energy, and institutions of higher education, this program has produced several successful and important technological breakthroughs that have resulted in important environmental and energy savings, as well as innovations that help American defense. 

"While American industries have significantly modernized, the pace of technology and the competition from overseas is relentless," continued Lipinski, whose father-in-law lost his job as a steelworker in Johnstown, Pennsylvania when his plant closed due to foreign competition. "Reauthorization of this bill is essential to grow American jobs, keep the customers of the metals industries strong, and assure that we have a domestic supply of the materials we need for our national defense."

"As a manufacturer whose competitiveness is closely tied to the cost and availability of steel and aluminum, I applaud this measure," stated Zach Mottl, Purchasing Manager of Atlas Tool and Die Works, Inc. in Lyons, Illinois.  "We've seen aluminum prices go up around 80% during the past few years.  At the same time, we have faced unfair foreign competition in which raw materials and other factors of production are often ‘subsidized' by foreign governments who have invested in the latest technologies.  Measures like H.R. 1126, which help reduce the cost of domestic manufacturing and level our global playing field, are great for industry, domestic security, and jobs."

As Vice Chair of the House Committee on Science and Technology, Congressman Lipinski led efforts to move H.R. 1126 quickly through Committee in order to ensure rapid passage early in this session.  The bill was introduced on February 16, and unanimously agreed to and reported out of the Science and Technology Committee on February 28.  The bill now moves to the U.S. Senate for further consideration. Click here for the statement Congressman Lipinski made today on the House floor in support of H.R. 1126.

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