(April 11, 2007) Lipinski Hopeful But Cautious About U.S. Postal Service Plans PDF  | Print |


Lipinski Hopeful But Cautious About U.S. Postal Service Plans
To Improve Chicagoland Mail Service


[CHICAGO, IL] Congressman Dan Lipinski released the following statement today in response to U.S. Postmaster General John Potter's proposal to improve mail service in Chicago. The plan calls for the hiring of new letter carriers along with improvements to mail delivery procedures. Lipinski has convened a number of meetings with local Postal Service officials to address the problems and called on the independent Inspector General for the U.S. Postal Service to conduct an evaluation and audit of the situation and recommend options for improving service.

"I am pleased that U.S. Postmaster General John Potter has responded to the continuing mail delivery problems in Chicago. Over the last several months, I have heard complaint after complaint from my constituents concerning very poor mail service. People are waiting weeks for overdue deliveries of essential items such as prescription drugs and checks. I have worked closely with local elected officials, including Ald. Michael Zalewski, Ald. Virginia Rugai, and Ald. James Balcer, and met with local Postal Service officials to advocate for improvements. In response to the continuing issues, last month I sent a letter to Inspector General David Williams calling for a full evaluation of the Chicagoland mail delivery problems. I look forward to reviewing the results of this outside evaluation once it is completed."

"At the same time, we have all heard past pronouncements and past promises of improvements from local Postal Service officials. I am certainly hopeful that under U.S. Postmaster General John Potter's leadership, and the new leadership of Chicago Postmaster Gloria Tyson, those words will not only mean action but also real results for the millions of Chicagoland residents who are dependent on timely mail delivery. This will be an issue that I will continue to monitor."

"I would also commend Congressman Danny Davis' continued leadership on Postal Service issues in Chicagoland and across the country."


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