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(October 24, 2007) Lipinski Introduces Bill to Partner Science Museums and Energy Labs PDF  | Print |


Lipinski Introduces Bill to Partner Science Museums
and Energy Labs to Improve Education

Act Would Provide $80 Million to Promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Rep. Dan Lipinski (IL-3), Vice Chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, introduced H.R. 3955, a bill that would help team up science museums and national energy labs in order to improve science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.  The Science Museum and National Laboratory Partnership Demonstration Act would establish a competitive grant program at the Department of Energy (DOE) to fund educational partnerships between science museums and national energy laboratories.


"America's energy labs are conducting groundbreaking work on issues such as energy independence and global climate change," stated Lipinski.  "And our science museums are playing a vital educational role, interpreting and conveying complex scientific information for the general public.  Working together the labs and museums could do an even better job educating the public -- especially children -- in the STEM fields while helping to develop a better understanding of the critical work occurring at the labs."


The bill, which authorizes $80 million over four years, would fund scientific exhibits and educational programs to teach young people in important STEM disciplines, helping to promote careers in fields that are essential to a more competitive and innovative America.  The educational partnerships would also be instrumental in showcasing the crucial investments made by American taxpayers at DOE energy labs.


"Having grown up in Chicago I will always look back fondly on my visits to the Museum of Science and Industry," said Lipinski.  "Those trips helped get me interested in science, engineering and math, encouraged me to get my engineering degrees, and continue to inspire my work on issues in Congress such as alternative energy and American technological competitiveness."


"The Museum of Science and Industry is excited about the possibility of establishing a federal grant program to help the American public better understand the incredible scientific achievements occurring at Department of Energy National Laboratories," stated David Mosena, President of the Museum of Science and Industry.  "Our museum continues to benefit and learn from our partnership with Argonne National Lab.  I look forward to working with Congressman Dan Lipinski, the lead sponsor of this bill, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., our representative in Congress, and other Members to advance this bill during the 110th Congress."


Joining Rep. Lipinski as original cosponsors of the bill are Illinois Reps. Biggert, Costello, Hastert, Jackson, Jr., and Kirk.

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