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(August 23, 2007) Representative Lipinski Applauds Success of Efforts to Stop BP PDF  | Print |

Representative Lipinski Applauds Success of Efforts to Stop BP from Increasing Pollution in Lake Michigan


WASHINGTON -  Today, Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3) applauded the success of efforts that resulted in BP America's decision to not increase pollution into Lake Michigan when it expands the refinery in Whiting, Indiana.


Responding to pressure from public officials and concerned citizens, BP made the announcement today.  In response, Congressman Lipinski issued the following statement:


"This announcement by BP that they will be environmentally responsible and not dump additional pollutants into Lake Michigan is a victory for everyone who lives around the lake. Lake Michigan is the source of drinking water for over 10 million people, including most of the Chicago area, and its scenic beauty and recreational opportunities are things all Chicagoans cherish.  We cannot afford to further pollute and destroy such an important resource.


"I would like to applaud BP America's president, Bob Malone, for responding to the concerns expressed by myself and other Chicago-area representatives during our meeting with him last month. As soon as I was made aware of BP's plans I knew that we had to act to prevent this proposal from moving forward.  Although I strongly support moving away from an oil-fueled transportation system, I understand that we still have a need to build refineries.  However, this must be done in an environmentally sound manner. I am happy that BP has agreed and is living up to its pledge to be environmentally sensitive. 


"However, our work to protect the Great Lakes is not finished.  As a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, which has jurisdiction over our nation's inland waterways, I will continue to work to pass the Great Lakes Water Protection Act (H.R. 2907), which I introduced with Rep. Mark Kirk (IL-10).  This bill would establish a federal deadline to end sewage dumping in the Great Lakes and impose fines on municipalities who violate the Act.  We must not only protect the gains we have made in cleaning up the Lakes, but we must also continue to make further progress in caring for this great treasure." 

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