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(August 9, 2007) Congressman Dan Lipinski Visits Argonne and Fermi National Labs PDF  | Print |

Congressman Dan Lipinski Visits Argonne and Fermi National Labs 


This week Congressman Dan Lipinski (Il-3) visited Argonne National Laboratory (pictured below) and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to view the work being conducted at these local Department of Energy (DOE) labs.  Lipinski is Vice Chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee that oversees all DOE Office of Science labs. 


"The work being conducted at both of these labs is helping maintain America's leadership in cutting-edge research," said Vice Chairman Lipinski. "These are two very important Chicagoland institutions that we should not overlook."

This past weekend Congressman Lipinski helped the House of Representatives pass a comprehensive energy bill designed to increase American energy independence and combat global climate change, in part by investing $2.3 billion in clean, renewable fuels.  The legislation includes Lipinski's H-Prize Act which establishes over $50 million in competitively awarded cash prizes to spur innovation in the use of hydrogen as a clean fuel for transportation. 


"As a leader in research on plug-in hybrids and alternative fuels - including hydrogen, Argonne's Transportation Technology Center is playing a key role in developing alternative energy solutions," said Lipinski. "The research being conducted here is helping America move toward energy independence and a brighter, cleaner future." 

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