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(July 25, 2007) Lipinski Announces Funding for Capital Grants Rail Line Relocation Program PDF  | Print |

Lipinski Announces Funding for Capital Grants Rail Line Relocation Program
Program Will Reduce Traffic Congestion, Expand Use of Passenger Rail, Increase Safety, and Benefit Local Communities


Washington D.C. - Late last night, the House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Year 2008 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill, which includes $35 million for the Capital Grants Rail Line Relocation and Improvement Program.  This program provides grants for rail infrastructure improvements which address congestion, safety, and quality of life issues in communities along rail lines.  Congressman Lipinski was the leader in working to secure this funding and in May wrote the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee asking them to include funds for this important program.


"Rail is a vital mode of transportation in the United States, and the federal government has severely under invested in our rail needs, severely affecting many communities," said Congressman Lipinski on the floor of the House of Representatives.  "Under this program, grants would be provided to a wide range of projects that would fill various critical rail needs including safety improvements, congestion mitigation, quiet zone creation, and the facilitation of local economic development."


Last year, Congressman Lipinski introduced an Amendment to the Transportation-Treasury-HUD Appropriations bill that would have appropriated $30 million for the Capital Grants Rail Line Relocation and Improvement Program.  All types of rail lines around the country would be eligible for funding.


"This legislation is an important step in the right direction, as it would be the first time that funding is allocated for this program," stated Lipinski.  "Thanks to Chairman Olver and members of the Appropriations Committee, we have started investing more into our nation's railways and improving the efficiency and safety of rail transportation and the quality of life for all Americans."


"With Chicago as our nation's premier transportation hub and the meeting point of many of America's major rail lines, investing in rail infrastructure is critical for the Third District," said Lipinski.    


Having passed the full House of Representatives, the Fiscal Year 2008 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill now moves towards consideration in the Senate, and then, if approved by both bodies of Congress, will be sent to the President to be signed into law or vetoed.

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