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(July 19, 2007) Lipinski Denounces BP Plan to Dump Pollution into Lake Michigan PDF  | Print |



Lipinski Denounces BP Plan to Dump Pollution into Lake Michigan
Calls on EPA to Review Permit Issued by Indiana for Dumping of Ammonia and Sludge


WASHINGTON - Today, Rep. Dan Lipinski (IL-3) sent a letter to the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requesting a formal review of the permit issued by the state of Indiana to BP that will allow the dumping of an additional 554 pounds of ammonia and 1,279 pounds of sludge per day into Lake Michigan.  As a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. Lipinski helps exercise oversight of clean water issues such as dumping into the Great Lakes.  Yesterday, Rep. Lipinski also helped introduce legislation expressing congressional disapproval of BP's plan.


"I am deeply troubled by BP's plan to increase dumping of toxic materials into Lake Michigan," stated Lipinski.  "It is ironic that a company that claims to embrace environmental values is going to greatly increase the dumping of pollutants into the Great Lakes.  In the midst of another summer of record beach closings on Lake Michigan, I am asking the EPA to review Indiana's decision to grant this permit and I am strongly urging BP to reconsider their plan."


The Indiana Department of Environmental Management recently approved a pollution discharge permit that will allow BP's Whiting, Indiana refinery to increase discharges of ammonia and suspended solids into Lake Michigan by 54 percent and 35 percent respectively.  These pollutants are extremely harmful to human health, and contribute to beach closures, fish kills, and algae blooms.


"I am deeply disturbed that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has allowed this permit to go forward," stated Lipinski.  "Lake Michigan is one of our nation's greatest natural resources and serves as the drinking water supply for over 40 million people - including most of the Chicago metropolitan area.  It is our responsibility to support efforts to restore Lake Michigan and work toward eliminating pollution from the ecosystem - not to contribute to the problem."


On Monday, Reps. Dan Lipinski and Mark Kirk (IL-10) sent a letter to BP Group Chief Executive Dr. Tony Hayward sharply questioning their plan to increase dumping into Lake Michigan and asked for reconsideration of the plan.  In addition, both Representatives jointly introduced the Great Lakes Water Protection Act (H.R. 2907), which establishes a federal deadline to end sewage dumping in the Great Lakes and imposes fines on municipalities who violate the Act. Click here to view a copy of the BP letter.

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