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(June 12, 2007) Congressman Lipinski Honors Victims of Communism PDF  | Print |

Congressman Lipinski Honors Victims of Communism
Joins in Dedicating New Memorial in Washington D.C. Honoring Their Struggle

[WASHINGTON, DC] Today, Congressman Dan Lipinski joined President Bush, members of the Polish and Czech Parliaments, the Ambassador from the Vatican, foreign dignitaries, and ethnic and religious leaders in dedicating a new memorial in Washington, D.C. to honor the victims of communism.  The memorial seeks to honor the more than 100 million individuals killed by communist conquests, revolutions, civil wars, purges, wars by proxy, and other violent means. 


"This memorial to the victims of communism is long overdue," said Lipinski.  "In my district there are many people who suffered under communism, watched relatives and friends perish, and were forced to leave their homes and their countries.  This is especially true of the many Central and Eastern Europeans, such as my wife and myself, whose countries were so devastated under the Soviet regime." 


The memorial was authorized unanimously by Congress in 1993 and signed into law by then-President Clinton.  It features a 10-foot bronze replica of the "Goddess of Democracy," modeled after a statue erected by students during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.  The memorial enjoys a prominent position in downtown Washington, only a few blocks away from the U.S. Capitol. 


"I will never forget my experiences in Berlin at the fall of the Wall in 1989," recalled Lipinski. "It is especially fitting that we dedicate this memorial on the 20th anniversary of President Reagan's famous demand, ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!'  As the Wall came down I witnessed the first taste of freedom for so many who suffered under communism.  This experience will always remind me of the need to stand up for freedom." 






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