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Lipinski Praises Environmentally-Friendly Energy Technology While Touring Local Solar Energy Company


Pictured above, Congressman Lipinski and City of Chicago Environment
Commissioner Johnston listen to Bill Hannigan, Solargenix Energy's
Manufacturing Manager, explain the manufacturing process
for the solar collectors.

CHICAGO, IL -Today, U.S. Representative Dan Lipinski (IL-3) toured Solargenix Energy, a solar thermal company in Chicago's Bridgeport neighborhood. Lipinski praised solar energy technology as "one piece of the comprehensive energy plan the U.S. must develop to help the environment, make our nation more secure, and promote the continued success of our economy."

Solargenix Energy develops and manufactures solar technology to produce hot water, steam, and electricity for residential and commercial use. The Chicago factory specializes in producing solar collectors using a new technology developed by Dr. Roland Winston while at the University of Chicago. The solar collectors concentrate sunlight to heat water for use in homes, laundromats, or schools, cutting the use of natural gas and other nonrenewable energy resources.

"The high heating bills expected this winter because of rising natural gas prices make the Solargenix Energy technology even more relevant." said Rep. Lipinski. "Renewable energy sources are becoming more affordable for American families and businesses, lessening dependence on fossil fuels that threaten our national security and environment. Solargenix Energy is leading the way in developing this important energy source locally."

Joining Rep. Lipinski on the tour were Chicago Environment Commissioner Sadhu Johnston and Deputy Environment Commissioner Brendan Daley. The City of Chicago is purchasing $5 million worth of solar thermal collectors to install in its buildings over the next 3 years, with an expected savings of almost $7 million over the 30-year lifetime of the solar collectors.

"The Solargenix Energy factory has not only brought new jobs to the Third District, but also demonstrates the leadership Chicago has taken in developing and using renewable energy," stated Rep. Lipinski. "I commend Mayor Daley and Commissioner Johnston for making Chicago a leader in renewable energy use.

"I will continue to work in the U.S. Congress to develop a more comprehensive energy plan that includes a strong renewable energy component."


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