Dodd Calls on Administration to Deliver Homeland Security Strategy
Dodd calls Chertoff's newfound support for anti-bombing legislation "too little, too late"

November 5, 2007

Today, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) responded to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff’s announcement that he will now support bombing prevention legislation.  This announcement comes 10 months after a National Bombing Prevention Strategy was due to Congress.


“Yesterday, Secretary Chertoff announced his support for a vague proposal related to bombing prevention within the United States,” said Dodd.  “Although I welcome the Secretary’s involvement, his support is too little and too late.” 


"Six years after 9/11, three years after the Madrid bombing and two years after the London bombing, it is absolutely unacceptable that this Administration has no plan to adequately outfit the men and women of America's bomb squads – our nation's 'first preventers.' We need a full fledged national strategy to stop improvised explosive device (IED) attacks in America.  These dedicated and selfless public servants and the American people deserve no less.”


Last year Dodd championed legislation which required the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to produce a national strategy on bombing prevention, which was due to Congress last January.  In September Dodd wrote a letter to Secretary Chertoff outlining his concerns and inquiring about the status of the national strategy. 

