Dodd, Lieberman Hail Subcommittee Passage of Appropriations Bill to Secure Millions for Connecticut Programs
July 11, 2007

Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) applauded legislation approved on June 28 by the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies that will provide funding for afterschool and gang prevention programs for Connecticut youth, equipment upgrades for Connecticut’s public safety systems, and research initiatives at the Institute of Exploration in Mystic, CT, among other things.  Dodd and Lieberman worked to secure funding for Connecticut projects in the bill that will provide more than $4.5 million in new federal funds for initiatives statewide.


The majority of funds designated for Connecticut included in the conference report will be directed to youth outreach and gang prevention programs across the state, including $500,000 for the Courage to Speak Program in Fairfield, $375,000 for the Self-Reliance Foundation, and $350,000 for the Lighthouse afterschool program in Bridgeport.


“I’m proud to help secure this federal funding for Connecticut’s communities. These funds will go a long way in providing valuable services to our citizens,” said Dodd.  “It is imperative that our communities have the resources they need to keep our children safe and provide opportunities for those less fortunate.  By including this critically important funding, we can help ensure that those important efforts continue, and help make our state cleaner, stronger, and safer for years to come.”


“I am pleased that this bill will help to protect Connecticut's citizens by providing much needed funding for first responders,” Lieberman said. “It’s also important that the federal government will be able to support such a diverse and significant group of anti-crime, research and science initiatives. Projects like these will help to boost our economy and keep the people of Connecticut safe and secure for years to come.”


The funding was included as part of the annual appropriations bill that covers the Departments of Commerce and Justice, National Atmospheric and Space Administration (NASA), the National Science Foundation, and nine related independent agencies for fiscal year 2008. Below are the Connecticut projects included in the bill:



Youth and Gang Prevention

  • RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) - $500,000
  • Lighthouse afterschool program in Bridgeport, CT - $350,000
  • Hartford summer employment for teens program - $350,000
  • Courage to Speak Program in Fairfield, CT - $500,000
  • CT State University, mechanical engineering program for disadvantaged youth - $150,000
  • Self-Reliance Foundation for gang prevention program – $375,000
  • Kids Peace in New Haven, CT for children’s mental health program - $250,000


Security and First Responders

  • Henry Lee Institute – National Forensic Crisis Management Center in West Haven, CT - $250,000
  • Norwalk interoperability equipment - $250,000
  • Town of Windham, equipment upgrades for the public safety complex - $250,000
  • Bridgeport purchase of six wireless surveillance cameras - $250,000
  • Manchester, CT for equipment upgrades for emergency operations center - $500,000
  • Redding, CT for a new regional communications center - $350,000


Science and Research

  • Advanced undersea vehicle for Institute of Exploration in Mystic, CT - $450,000

