Today's Highlights

From Washington

Anuzis Withdraws From Chairman Race

Anuzis Withdraws From Chairman Race


Michigan GOP Chair. Saul Anuzis has withdrawn his name as a candidate for Chairman of the RNC. The first five rounds of voting have taken place and no candidate reached the 85 votes necessary to win. The Committee is now holding a sixth round of voting between Katon Dawson & Michael Steele.

Foreign Policy

Coming Up

Albright Discusses  U.S. Approach to the Muslim World

Albright Discusses U.S. Approach to the Muslim World


Fmr. Sec. of State Madeleine Albright and fmr. Congressman Vin Weber discuss a recent report by the Leadership Group on U.S.-Muslim Engagement. The report outlines a new strategy to combat violent extremism by pro-
moting democracy throughout the Middle East.
World Leaders Attend WEF Meeting

World Leaders Attend WEF Meeting


The World Economic Forum’s 2009 Annual Meeting is taking place in Davos, Switzerland. In the first two days, Russian P.M. Vladmir Putin and fmr. Pres. Bill Clinton spoke on this year’s theme, "Shaping the Post-Crisis World."
watch Panel Discussion: Video Available Later
visit U.S.-Muslim Engagement Project   
read Leadership Group Report

Recent Programs

Pres. Obama and V.P. Biden on Middle Class Taskforce President Obama and Vice President Biden spoke from the White House East Room to announce the creation of a White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families to be chaired by the Vice President.
Washington, DC : 29 min.
watch Pres. Obama & V.P. Biden on Middle Class
The White House

This Week on C-SPAN

  • America & the Courts: Washington Attorney Robert Bennett)

  • After Words: Gwen Ifill Discusses her Book with David Brooks

  • In Depth: Lincoln scholars Frank Williams and Edna Medford
Washington Journal