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• Media Contact: Noah Shaw at 301.314.9739 or by email.

NHD News and Events
• National History Day programs will help Washington state teachers and students meet new social studies assessment requirements, thanks to an innovative partnership with the State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Read More...

Wisconsin Student Wins Scholarship to University of Minnesota

National History Day (NHD) awarded a University of Minnesota scholarship today to Cody Haro of Holmen, Wis., at the NHD awards ceremony today at the University of Maryland, College Park. The scholarship to the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota carries a stipend of $5,000 for each of the student's four years, for a total award amount of $20,000. Over half a million students annually participate in the NHD program. Haro, a student at Holmen High School, was chosen from a field of highly qualified applicants for the scholarship. Haro competed in the 2007 NHD competition with an individual exhibit entitled, "The Abraham Lincoln Battalion," focuses on a group of Americans known as the Abraham Lincoln Battalion who overcame policies preventing aid to the democratic government of Spain during the Spanish Civil War so that they themselves could fight in Spain in protection of the progressive Spanish government from the fascist onslaught. Click here to read more
Iowa Student Wins Scholarship to University of Maryland

National History Day (NHD) awarded a University of Maryland scholarship today to Matt Wolf, of Eldridge, Iowa, at the NHD awards ceremony at the University of Maryland, College Park. Wolf, a student at North Scott High School, was chosen from a field of several applicants to receive a four-year, full scholarship to the University of Maryland, College Park. Nichols worked with another student to create an historical exhibit for the NHD project titled, "Trails, Rails and War: Tragedies and Triumphs of General Grenville M. Dodge." Click here to read more
Virginia Students Win Grand Prize at National History Day

National History Day (NHD) presented two David Van Tassel Founder awards to Paul Michel of Charlottesville, Va., and Mohammad Rasool of Albemarle, Va., today at the NHD awards ceremony. The Founder award is presented each year to the winner of the grand prize at NHD. The award is a full tuition scholarship to Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio renewable for four years. The award, valued at over $120,000, is usually presented to only one individual, but Case Western Reserve University made an exception due to the outstanding quality of the two applicants. Click here to read more
North Carolina Student Wins Scholarship to Chaminade University

National History Day (NHD) awarded a Chaminade University of Honolulu scholarship today to Casey Collins, a student at Charles D. Owen High School in Black Mountain, N.C. Collins was chosen from a strong field of applicants to receive the scholarship to Chaminade University in Hawaii. Collins created an historical exhibit focused on Franklin Delano Roosevelt's disability during his presidency titled "FDR's Splendid Deception." Click here to read more
The History Channel recognizes Alabama social studies teacher

The History Channel and National History Day are proud to announce that The History Channel Outstanding History Educator Award for 2007 is presented to Barbara Romey, a Social Studies teacher at Central High School in Phenix City, Alabama. Romey challenges her students to go beyond the classroom and to use their knowledge of history to address current issues and resolve problems in their community. Click here to read more
History Day Project Leads to Nobel Nomination

Click here to read about four Kansas students who documented the work of a Polish woman who saved thousands of children during the Holocaust. Now, the students and their teacher are working with the president of Poland and the prime minister of Israel on Sendler's nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.
NHD Participant Integrates History and Passion for Music

Click here to read about 14-year-old Erika Krogstad, an NHD participant whose work on her History Day project continued into a work of even greater ambition, as she composes a symphony.
Remembering a Hero

A student at the Denver School of the Arts produced an NHD project documentary examining the rising fear of American citizens of Japanese descent during World War II and how a Colorado politician stood against it.

Colorado Gov. Ralph Carr put his political career on the line to defend his principles, so senior Ryan Brown determined that Carr's stance should never be forgotten. Read more about Ryan's remarkable work.

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