Awards Ceremony Webcast
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N H D  C O N T E S T
Contest Section Highlights:

Photos from the 2008 National Contest
2008 National Contest Winners
Webcast of the 2008 Awards Ceremony
What are the steps to create a project?
How do I create a process paper?
How are entries judged?


Before you begin work on an entry for competition, you, your teacher, and your parents should carefully read the National History Day Contest Rule Book. Below is a PDF file of the rule book that contains all of the rules that you must follow to compete at any level of the National History Day competition. More information on topics, sources, and deadlines are available from your district and state National History Day coordinators. Always contact your district or state coordinator to learn if any rules have been revised since the publication of this rule book.

2009 NHD Rule Book (includes revised web site category rules)

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