Senator Dodd to Introduce Amendment to End War Safely and Responsibly
May 11, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) announced today that he will join Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) as a cosponsor to an amendment to the Iraq Supplemental Spending legislation that would use the Congressional power of the purse to require the President to safely redeploy U.S. combat troops from Iraq.  The amendment would set a hard deadline for withdrawal and bring a responsible end to the war within ten months.  Senate leadership has indicated that the Senate will consider the Iraq Supplemental next week.


“Too much has been lost in this war - over 3,300 lives of our brave men and women in uniform and more than $400 billion.  Yet, President Bush refuses to change course.

 “There is only one way to end this war responsibly.  Congress must exercise its Constitutional responsibility to do what needs to be done to bring an end to our involvement in this civil war. 

“I hope that my colleagues will join me and Senator Feingold in doing what needs to be done to end this war responsibly.”
