Statement of Senator Dodd on New Government Accountability Office Report
September 5, 2007

"Today the Government Accountability Office submitted a report to Congress demonstrating that there has been virtually no political progress in Iraq.  Additionally, the GAO reported that overall violence in Iraq still remains extremely high, and despite the Administration’s claims to the contrary, the GAO could not determine whether sectarian violence has decreased.  This report demonstrates, unequivocally, that the Bush Administration's surge tactic has failed in its key objective, namely to provide breathing space for the Iraqi Government to begin the process of political reconciliation.  This report reinforces the conclusion that many Americans reached long ago: there is no military solution to the conflict in Iraq.  That status quo is simply unacceptable, and with this new conclusive confirmation that the surge tactic has failed—as many of us feared it would—it is time to bring our troops home."

