Statement of Senator Dodd on Armed Forces Day
May 19, 2007

“We pause today to thank the members of our armed forces for their invaluable service to the United States.  Our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines perform critical missions here at home and abroad.  From providing much needed support during national disasters such as Hurricane Katrina to fighting on the battlefields of Iraq, the brave men and women of our armed forces work tirelessly to protect our country.


“Today, our nation is at war, and the men and women who volunteer to defend our nation do so with the knowledge that the job will involve long separation from family and friends, harsh conditions, and the possibility that they may not return home.  They are, without a doubt, true patriots, and we owe them a deep debt of gratitude for their sacrifices.  More than that, however, we owe it to them to end the misguided policy that has cost us over 3,300 lives of brave men and women in uniform.  For that reason alone, I will continue my effort to implement a change of course in Iraq that will end the war responsibly and bring our troops home. 


“I hope that all Americans will join me today in honoring the men and women who make it possible for us to live in freedom, peace, and security.  Their courage, dedication, and sacrifice will never be forgotten.”

