National Research Center for Coal & Energy
P.O. Box 6064
Evansdale Drive
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506
ph 304/293-2867
fax 304/293-3749
NRCCE Enquiries

Topic Keyword Search Results

Topic: Mine Land Reclamation

Web site Description
National Mine Land Reclamation Center

NMLRC organizes and provides technical support to the Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium (CBRC), Appalachian Clean Streams Initiative (ACSI), and Acid Mine Drainage Technology Initiative (AMDTI).
West Virginia Water Research Institute

WVWRI serves as the statewide vehicle for performing research related to water issues.
Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium

CBRC promotes and supports the commercially viable and environmentally sound recycling of coal combustion byproducts for productive uses through scientific research, development, and field-testing.
Center for Advanced Separations Technology

CAST seeks to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the mining industry through the development and refinement of the separation process.
Appalachian Clean Streams Initiative

ACSI works to eliminate acid mine drainage from abandoned coal mines.
Acid Drainage Technology Initiative

ADTI promotes technical advances in acid mine drainage technology and watershed restoration.