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National Research Center for Coal & Energy
P.O. Box 6064
Evansdale Drive
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506
ph 304/293-2867
fax 304/293-3749
NRCCE Enquiries

About the NRCCE

More Than Our Name Implies

The National Research Center for Coal and Energy advances ideas about energy and the environment through the conduct of research, technology transfer, and information dissemination activities.

We are:

located at one of our nation's leading research institutions serving the citizens of its home state and of the nation—West Virginia University.

Mission/Vision Return to top

We are dedicated to:

Energy is an economic engine. Economies that are sound are better able to protect the environment. Understanding this, our vision is of a nation with abundant energy and a healthful environment that is economically vibrant.

Expertise Return to top

We create and disseminate knowledge and technologies on:

Our unique collection of programs makes the NRCCE a valuable marketplace for solutions to America's energy and environmental problems.

Partners Return to top

We carry out our mission by working with others on campus, within the state, and across the nation. Our partners include:

Programs Return to top

We operate through a collection of quasi-independent programs, each having its own specific mission in support of its sponsors. Our programs include:

Leadership Return to top

Funding Return to top

The NRCCE's programs total between $14 million to $16 annually. Program funds are from state, federal, and private sources.

State funding

The NRCCE receives an annual allotment of University state funds, a portion of which allows the NRCCE to provide modest amounts of cost-sharing or seed funds for faculty research typically in the $10,000 to $25,000 range. Faculty who wish to have their projects considered for such funding may first discuss their requests with an NRCCE program manager or the NRCCE director and then submit a written request through their chair and dean to the NRCCE director. A memo including a brief description of the proposed work, amounts of funding being sought from other sources, and the amount requested from NRCCE should be signed by the faculty member, his or her chair, and his or her dean and then submitted to the NRCCE Director's Office.

The NRCCE also uses its University funds to cost share programs coordinated by the NRCCE such as the Consortium for Fossil Fuel Science, the West Virginia Water Research Institute, Industries of the Future-West Virginia, and the DOE EPSCoR programs.

Other sources of state funding for NRCCE activities include the West Virginia Development Office, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services Bureau for Public Health, and others.

Federal funding

The majority of NRCCE's funds are from federal sources received through the coordination of large, team-oriented proposals to federal agencies. These agencies include the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Office of Surface Mining, the Rural Development Authority, and others. The proposals may include WVU faculty and researchers at other private or public organizations.

Private funding

The NRCCE partners with industry on the submission of large, team-oriented proposals in which industry partners may provide "in-kind" cost share funding. Industry sources may also sponsor research activities individually or as part of a larger effort. For example, the NRCCE's Appalachian Oil and Natural Gas Research Consortium received cash contributions for research on the Trenton-Black River gas play from the following companies:

The NRCCE's Industries of the Future—West Virginia has participated in funded research with a number of companies including Century Aluminum, Pechiney Aluminum, Wheeling Nisshin Steel, HK Casting, Kelly Foundry, Sturm Rapid Response, Marble King, Judel Glass, Fenton Glass, DynaTech Adhesives, Crompton Specialty Chemicals, Dow Chemical, Bayer Corporation, PPG, Star Plastics, Burke Parsons Bowlby, Weyerhaeuser, Applied Industrial Solutions, and others.