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@bmoyle non-launceston? you mean it won't be embarrassing to take folks from melb there?!
@bmoyle forget the register at Pierre's, how's the coffee now?
@johndalton poor persecuted Telstra. I mean, it wasn't their fault they couldn't fit in everything in 12 pages! Oh, wait.
@iainbest weather report? just getting ready to leave here and its bucketing
@benbarren standby? You mean people turn their interwebs off?!
proud parenting moment #142: when your 13 yo stepson without prompting helps himself to your copy of the Ruby Pickaxe from your office.
@duncanriley indeed, TFA even says as much! stunning displays of hubris? check!
@duncanriley double plus lol: "The links come from Blogrunner ... a Techmeme competitor, except that it doesn’t really compete that well"
@duncanriley well if NYT has outlinks, then that means the MSM is starting to actually get a clue. They can't have that now, can they?!
friday is just another word for "holy crap, how much work do I still have to do?!"
think after 4 years of working from home, I'm finally starting to get cabin fever
maybe i should pour coffee on myself more often, problem is now fixed!
so obsessed with solving this problem i managed to miss my mouth and pour coffee on myself. quick clothes change - yay for working from home
soooo pissed off, in a "break stuff" kind of mood
having my soul slowly destroyed by tricksy T-SQL antics
@johndalton ... and of course, there's always duct tape ;-)
@johndalton aww man, that sucks. we're about to tackle the toilet training thing, lucky we've avoided nappy removal stage so far!
trying to catch up on 3 weeks missed work, but i feel like i'm falling further behind every day!
@johndalton late nights or early mornings are your friend in these situations. not that i'm working atm :-(


Lachlan Hardy Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Robert Scoble Ross Hill ben barren Pete Yandell Marcus Crafter Jeremy Zawodny Toby Hede Err the Blog Chad Fowler Duncan Riley Wayne Meissner Max Muermann Tim Lucas Jeff Atwood Gareth Townsend Johnny Cussen Matt Allen Mark Ryall donnaGEM scottwshaw John Barton Robert Postill John Dalton Jason Stirk bmoyle Mike Cannon-Brookes Iain Best RobertGray Digital Tasmania Internode siliconbeach Scott Smith