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Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with "Make my day"
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with "Some day, and that day may never come..."
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with "May the force be with you Luke Skywalker"
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with FTW!
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with OMG NWAY!
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with STFU!
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with RTFM
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with WTF!
Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?' with "How bout a hug?"
Finish this sentence: "Twitter should replace the question 'What are you doing?'" with
Dan Kottke, Apple's first employee is talking about going to India with Steve Jobs in 1974.
Iraqi’s build giant shoe to honor Bush shoe thrower.
How the heck did I get on Forbes's list of 25 web celebs? :-)
Kevin Marks is sitting to my left, Paolo Valdemarin to my right, and Marc Canter to the right of Paolo.
I'm at the BMUG reunion in Berkeley. I wasn't a member of BMUG, but as a Mac software developer I rolled out my products here.
Love on the side of the sidewalk:
Wikipedia page for MacroMind.
@peternlewis -- MazeWars was great. Wasn't that a Macromind product? It was a network maze game. Circa 1986 or so.
Got a haircut today and learned, finally, that what I ask for is called a "Business Cut."


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Alissa Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Dick Hardt Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross Manton Reece Mack D. Male Nitin Borwankar Om Malik Narendra Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene enoch choi Michael Parekh Scott Beale Oren Michels Josh Bancroft Dan Patterson Lars Pind Jason Calacanis George Kelly JohnBorthwick james mdy Fred Oliveira Robert Brook Stewart Butterfield
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