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yeah lady (different lady) you better believe it's butter.
Excuse me, if you're quite finished with the sales assistant who was serving me may I have-her-teh-fck-back please?
Message to Xmas shopping mums: this is teh season of peace not the season of 'fck u, I'm in a hurry'.
@voirol i think someone needs to take a survey and establish % of daily Single Origin patrons that are Twitterati. My guess: 98%
lolz from @likeomg who clearly loves her mobile carrier too
@vealmince yeah but V-1 wouldn't work for the pun. Hoping nobody would notice. Should have known my geeky friends wouldn't let that stand!
@liubinskas yes, i know *why* it's there, i'm wondering why it's 6% of keywords across Commonwealth nations? Behavioural?
@firstdogonmoon, I guess that explains why China's imports/exports suddenly dropped in the last quarter?
@firstdogonmoon then it wouldn't be poor form for me to make a China joke?
@firstdogonmoon Sorry to hear about your cat, that's a bummer. Our cat just died last week too.
Heavy rain puts me right off #SocialMediaCoffee @singleorigin this morning :(
@liubinskas suss that "google" was #6 search term in .au, .nz. and .ca - when that kinda coincidence happens i suspect rounding issues
@bronwen strange coincidence then that the nickname for WII Germany's V2 rocket was the "buzzbomb" tomorrow do I catch up on the work, or take MBP in for checkup? Running with scissors either way :(
Been crapping myself whole time cos Time Capsule's been playing up and last backup was a week ago and mucho work to do right now
5th attempt at resetting SMC on MBP seems to have done the trick after it went to sleep on dead battery 5hrs ago then wouldn't wake
@jufemaiz MS Word was always broken. u haz only exposed the internal brokenicity
Finding body poppin' my ageing joints to Herbie Hancock's 'Rockit' is great deskercise:


derek dukes om Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Thad White Surj Patel Josh Schoenwald Aaron Huslage heidi Scott Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle benk mike mcsherry Doug Maloney Lachlan Hardy Maxine Sherrin Nic Hodges Kitta Michael Newby Alex de Carvalho Michael Specht laurence timms Charles Edward Frith hilary tyler Lloyd Shepherd chezza ben barren Stephen Collins Jason DiMambro James Pearce Frank Arrigo Tim Footman Brad Kellett
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