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Girling-out, listening to Tori Amos, organizing, cleaning.
"I hate when people write on my wall." -@karina
My 4 year old niece Melia would like my credit card in exchange for a picture she has drawn.
Visiting a ridiculously beautiful house in St. Helena. waiting for Evhead to wake up so we can grab brunch someplace fancy.
All morning meeting with architects has left me eager to research more materials.
Getting out of bed is the worst idea I've had all day.
Still trying to absorb my experiences in DC.
Don't lie, picking your nose is awesome.
I will never forget the last few days. Thanks @sacca and The Inaugural Posse. Oh, and my sweet husband.
Western Ball. Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony on stage.
Tyra Banks is tall. I am short.
Evan and I look fabulous.
The kids crying because they're too cold, breaks my heart.
Millions of people sit in complete silence as the departing administration and staff are introduced.
Oh wait, there is booing.
Millions of people sit in complete silence as the departing administration and staff are introduced.
There is a tree sorta obscuring my view but am excited.
Happy to be sitting on a bus and not outside.
Tomorrow's outfit includes 7 layers and a sleeping bag.
Obama just spoke at the McCain bipartisan dinner we are attending. Carrying my camera and lenses to this black tie was worth it.