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[ + ] Senator Television Pages (with recent updates)
Barrasso, John (WY) Enzi, Michael (WY) Snowe, Olympia (ME)
Bennett, Robert (UT) Grassley, Charles (IA) Thune, John (SD)
Chambliss, Saxby (GA) Hatch, Orrin (UT) Vitter, David (LA)
Collins, Susan (ME) Johanns, Mike () Wicker, Roger (MS)
Cornyn, John (TX) Roberts, Pat (KS)  
Crapo, Mike (ID) Shelby, Richard (AL)  

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[ + ] Issue Television Pages (with recent updates)
Budget Government State/Local
Business Health Care Tax Relief
Defense Jobs and the Economy Terrorism
Fiscal Responsibility Judicial Nominations  

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January 2009

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